CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530
叶可陌, 李雄. 丽水瓯江流域古城山水风景系统构建特征研究[J]. 风景园林, 2020, 27(7): 114-120. DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.07.0114.07
引用本文: 叶可陌, 李雄. 丽水瓯江流域古城山水风景系统构建特征研究[J]. 风景园林, 2020, 27(7): 114-120. DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.07.0114.07
YE Kemo, Li Xiong. Research on Landscape System Construction Characteristics of Ancient Cities in Lishui Oujiang Watershed[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2020, 27(7): 114-120. DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.07.0114.07
Citation: YE Kemo, Li Xiong. Research on Landscape System Construction Characteristics of Ancient Cities in Lishui Oujiang Watershed[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2020, 27(7): 114-120. DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.07.0114.07


Research on Landscape System Construction Characteristics of Ancient Cities in Lishui Oujiang Watershed

  • 摘要: 丽水瓯江流域8座古城的风景营建有着悠久的历史和鲜明的地域特征。从风景园林视角出发,梳理地区古城选址与原初山水环境的关系,并依据“平原望山”“盆地据山”“丘陵嵌山”“河谷依山”4种山水基底类型分析经人工干预优化的区域水系统的差异性,从而进一步从城山一体的城市空间、因山而为的风景集群、四围寻胜的风景序列和眺望揽胜的风景标识4方面解析各城风景营建的特征。以此对地区古城山水风景系统的构建特征进行整体性的探讨,对指引当代浙、闽山地地区的城市山水人居环境发展具有一定的意义。


    Abstract: The scenic construction of the eight ancient cities in Lishui Oujiang Watershed has a long history and distinctive regional characteristics. This research sorts out the relationship between site selection of ancient cities and their original landscape basement patterns, based on the analysis of the four basic landscape typologies: plains looking out mountains, basins nested mountains, hills embed with mountains and valleys surrounding mountains. It analyzes the differences of its manual intervention to optimize regional water systems. Thus, it analyzes the construction characteristics of the cities’ landscape system from four aspects: urban space, landscape cluster, landscape sequence and landscape landmark. This holistic analysis of the landscape system construction characteristics in the area has considerable significance in guiding the development of urban landscape and human settlements in mountainous regions of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces.


