CN 11-5366/S     ISSN 1673-1530
引用本文: 刘滨谊,冯晶磊,马淑菡,罗范颖,徐臻彦.八景的景观多维感知机制研究[J].风景园林,2024,31(7):12-19.
LIU B Y, FENG J L, MA S H, LUO F Y, XU Z Y. Research on the Mechanism for Multidimensional Landscape Perception of “Eight Scenes”[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(7): 12-19.
Citation: LIU B Y, FENG J L, MA S H, LUO F Y, XU Z Y. Research on the Mechanism for Multidimensional Landscape Perception of “Eight Scenes”[J]. Landscape Architecture, 2024, 31(7): 12-19.


Research on the Mechanism for Multidimensional Landscape Perception of “Eight Scenes”

  • 摘要:
    目的 以景观多维感知为研究背景,聚焦中国八景的研究与应用。研究八景多维感知组成的主观元素、客观元素,以及主客观八景之间的互动机制。
    方法 继承中国传统八景思想,在分析古今八景研究的基础上,提出八景的主观、客观、主客观合一及其构成要素,以及八景多维景观感知的分析评价方法,选取澳门新老八景中的灯塔松涛、路环渔韵、双湖塔影和普济寻幽四景,对其八维感知占比分别进行初步评价。
    结果 从八景的主客互动、八景的主客流动、八景的景观多维感知3个方面分析,探索了八景与人类个体之间的互动交流机制。
    结论 构建了主观八景的感受、认知、应对与客观八景的能量、信息、时空两方面相互流动的八景流理论框架。


    Objective The initiation of research on the global multidimensional landscape perception is profoundly significant today. It is expected to greatly influence contemporary understanding of landscape architecture, marking a major milestone in the theory and application landscape perception over the past sixty years. Historical practices and early theoretical studies by Chinese ancestors, as encapsulated in the concept of “Eight Scenes”, lay the groundwork for relevant research.This research concentrates on the research and application of the “Eight Scenes” in China from the perspective of multidimensional landscape perception. The research examines the subjective and objective elements constituting the “Eight Scenes” and the interaction and communication between these elements. It delves into the interaction mechanisms between China’s “Eight Scenes” and individuals through multidimensional perception, encompassing psychological, conscious, and emotional levels. The ultimate goal is to provide theoretical support for the further digitalization of multidimensional landscape perception.
    Methods Building on the analysis of ancient and modern studies of the “Eight Scenes”, this research proposes the subjective, objective, and integrated elements of the “Eight Scenes” and their components. The methods employed include literature review, questionnaire survey, and case study. By investigating the historical origins of the “Eight Scenes”, the research expands the subjective sensory perceptions — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile perceptions — of the “Eight Scenes” to include psychological, ideational, and emotional perceptions. The objective aspects of the “Eight Scenes”, such as their existence in time and space (e.g., eight directions, eight solar terms), are also analyzed and summarized. This forms the basis for establishing a multidimensional perception research mechanism for the “Eight Scenes”, making it possible to explore the organic interaction between subjective and objective aspects of China’s landscapes through multidimensional perception.
    Results Through the analysis of the subject − object interaction, the subject − object flow, and the multidimensional perception of the “Eight Scenes”, a theoretical framework for the interaction and communication mechanisms between the “Eight Scenes” and individuals is constructed. This framework includes the subjective aspects of the “Eight Scenes” (feelings, cognition, and responses) and the objective aspects (energy, information, and space and time). Taking the old and new Eight Scenic Spots of Macao as examples, the research selects four typical scenes — “Guia Lighthouse and Fortress” (“Dengtasongtao”), “Coloane Fishing Village” (“Luhuanyucun”), “Two Lakes and One Tower” (“Shuanghutaying”), and “Puji Temple” (“Pujichanyuan”) — to statistically analyze their eight-dimensional perceptions. The preliminary application and verification of the “Eight Scenes” Flow Theory are conducted through empirical case studies, demonstrating the feasibility of these methods in supporting subsequent empirical research plans.This research's innovation lies in expanding traditional sensory dimensions of landscape perception to include psychological, ideational, and emotional factors. The “Eight Scenes” Flow Theory offers a novel framework, combining ancient insights with modern scientific methodologies, to enhance both theoretical understanding and practical applications of the “Eight Scenes” in landscape design. By integrating these diverse perspectives, the research opens new avenues for exploring and improving human interactions with landscapes, thus providing a comprehensive model for modern landscape architecture and urban planning.
    Conclusion The research establishes the fundamental elements and mechanisms of the “Eight Scenes” in terms of subjective, objective, and interactive aspects. Initial findings indicate that, compared to single sensory dimensions or limited multidimensional approaches, the “Eight Scenes” offer a comprehensive and profound understanding of landscape perception, backed by extensive historical practice and theoretical insights. The theoretical framework derived from the “Eight Scenes” integrates traditional and modern perspectives, providing a solid foundation for further research on the multidimensional perception of Chinese landscapes. The research underscores the multidimensional nature of landscape perception in the “Eight Scenes”, which encompasses visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile dimensions, alongside psychological, emotional, and ideational factors. This holistic approach not only enriches the theoretical understanding of landscape perception, but also offers practical applications in modern landscape planning and urban design, aiming to achieve the ideal of poetic dwelling.


